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Fungal culture, sputum (Calgary/South)
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Test Name:
Fungal culture, sputum (Calgary/South)
Blastomyces dermatitidis (Blastomcosis)
Coccidiomyces immitis (Coccidiomycosis)
Cryptococcus (Cryptococcosis)
Dimorphic fungi
Endemic mycoses
Fungal infection
Histoplasma capsulatum (Histoplasmosis)
Lower respiratory tract infection
Body Source(s):
Auger suction
Endotracheal tube aspirate (ETA)
Sputum, expectorated
Sputum, induced
Tracheostomy tube aspirate
Clinical Prerequisite(s):
Provision of relevant, clinical information is important to ensure a clinically relevant result
Always provide/record:

•  specimen source
•  current antibiotic/antifungal therapy and start date
•  any antimicrobials the patient had in the last 3 months
•  clinical history - symptoms, signs and their duration
•  Is "yeast" or" filamentous fungus/mold" suspected
•  Is there underlying respiratory disease?
     Eg., bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, COPD, asthma, malignancy
•  Has the patient recently had influenza or other viral respiratory tract infection?
•  Is the patient immunocompromised?
     Eg., steroid therapy, chemotherapy, post transplant, immunosuppressive therapy, neutropenia malignancy

Note:  If Nocardia is suspected it must be indicated on the requisition

Collection Device/Tube Type:
60 mL sterile, plastic container
Specimen Requirement(s):
Collection Instructions:
Following collection:
•  Immediately replace the container lid
•  Ensure that it does not leak and is not cross-threaded

Handling and Storage:
- Store at temperature for up to 2 hours
Refrigerate if a delay in transport is expected
Transport/submit to laboratory as soon as possible after collection
Handling/Storage Comments:
Transport sputum samples STAT from the following sites:
•  Intensive Care Units (ICU)
•  Neonatal Intensive Care units (NICU)
•  Special Care Nurseries (SCN)

These samples must be received at the testing laboratory (DSC Microbiology) within 2 hrs of receipt in the hospital laboratory

Rejection Criteria:
  • Mislabelled or unlabelled specimen/requisition
  • Leaking specimen
  • Sputum samples heavily contaminated with saliva
  • If more than one sample received on the same day, then only 1 is processed

  • Turnaround Times
    See Microbiology Information»

    Last Reviewed:
    19 May 2023

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