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Fungal culture, CSF (Calgary/South)
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Test Name:
Fungal culture, CSF (Calgary/South)
Aspergillus (Aspergillosis)
Blastomyces dermatitidis (Blastomcosis)
Coccidiomyces immitis (Coccidiomycosis)
Cryptococcus (Cryptococcosis)
Fungal meningitis
Histoplasma capsulatum (Histoplasmosis)
Body Source(s):
Brain, ventricle
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
CSF reservoir
Epidural/intrathecal catheter
Lumbar puncture
Shunt, ventriculoatrial - VP (CSF)
Shunt, ventriculoperitoneal - VA (CSF)
Clinical Prerequisite(s):
Cryptococcal antigen testing is routinely performed on all CSF specimens submitted for fungal culture (if specimen volume allows).

For known/suspected Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD), contact Microbiologist-on call (MOC) BEFORE COLLECTION of ANY type of specimen from the central nervous system.

Phone:  1-800-661-9876 and request the MOC for Calgary/South zones.

Provision of relevant clinical information is important to ensure a clinically relevant result
Always provide/record:

•  clinical history - symptoms, signs, and duration
•  antimicrobial history
•  travel history
• Is the patient immunocompromised:
- chronic infections
- steroid and other immunosuppressive therapy
- post-transplant
- hematological or other malignancy

Collection Device/Tube Type:
10 mL sterile tube
  • Submit a minimum of 3 mL CSF in sterile screw-cap tube (1.5mL is acceptable for neonates).
  • If adequate volume is collected, four (4) separate sterile screw-cap tubes are preferred
Specimen Requirement(s):
See CSF Specimen Collection Guidelines for volume required

 - For small volume draws, indicate priority of test request

Collection Instructions:
See CSF Specimen Collection Guidelines

Label each tube with:  
Patient’s first and last name
Personal Health Number (PHN) or Regional Health Record Number (RHRN)
Date and time of collection
Specimen source (CSF and i.e. lumbar, shunt, EVD)
Tube identification number (1, 2, 3, 4) indicating order of collection

Handling and Storage:
Room temperature
Handling/Storage Comments:
Transport CSF specimens immediately to the laboratory within 15 minutes after collection; the pneumatic tube system may be used for transport to the collection site laboratory

Specimen must be received in the testing laboratory within 1 hour of receipt in the hospital laboratory. Do not leave specimen on the reception counter; give directly to laboratory staff

Store specimen at room temperature. Do NOT refrigerate.

DSC Laboratory Staff only
Transport specimens for Microbiology testing STAT to the Microbiology laboratory

Note:  CSF specimens with CJD requests: follow Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) protocol and APL Biological and Chemical Exposure Response Plan (BCERP) procedures

Turnaround Times
See Microbiology Information»
CSF Fungal culture includes Cryptococcal antigen and Calcofluor white stain.

•  If further information is required, contact the Microbiologist On-Call:
Phone 1-800-661-9876, and request the On-call Microbiologist for Calgary/South zones.

Last Reviewed:
05 May 2023

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