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Fungal culture, nail
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Test Name:
Fungal culture, nail
Onychomycosis (fungal infection)
Ringworm (Dermatomycosis)
Tinea infection (fungal)
Tinea unguium
Body Source(s):
Clinical Prerequisite(s):
Provision of relevant, clinical information is important to ensure a clinically relevant result
Always provide/record:
•  specimen source - anatomical site and type
•  current anti-fungal therapy and start date
•  relevant clinical history
•  travel history
•  Is there a history or recurrent disease?
•  Are there any predisposing factors (e.g. contact with known case, close animal
   contact, impaired cell-mediated immunity, HIV, steroid therapy, post transplant,
   diabetes, local trauma)

Collection Device/Tube Type:
Fungal collection kit (envelope contains folded black manila paper)
Collection Instructions:
Handling and Storage:
Room temperature
Rejection Criteria:
  • Mislabelled or unlabelled specimen/requisition
  • Scrapings received on a swab in transport medium
  • Plastic container in which the scrapings cannot be seen

  • Turnaround Times
    See Microbiology Information»

    Last Reviewed:
    06 May 2023

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