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Fungal culture, hair
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Test Name:
Fungal culture, hair
Ringworm (Dermatomycosis)
Tinea capitis
Tinea infection (fungal)
Body Source(s):
Clinical Prerequisite(s):
Provision of relevant, clinical information is important to ensure a clinically relevant result
Always provide/record:
•  specimen source - anatomical site and type
•  current anti-fungal therapy and start date
•  relevant clinical history
•  travel history
•  Is there a history of recurrent disease?
•  Are there any predisposing factors? (e.g. contact with known case, close animal contact,
   impaired cell-mediated immunity, HIV, steroid therapy, post transplant, diabetes, local trauma)

Collection Device/Tube Type:
Fungal collection kit (envelope contains folded black manila paper)
Cleaning of the scalp is not required
  1. Select infected area. Use forceps to pull out (epilate) at least 10 hairs.  DO NOT submit cut hair (fungal infection is closer to the base)
  2. Fold black paper from the fungal collection kit, around the hairs
  3. Secure the folded, black paper with a paper clip and place it in the envelope supplies
  4. Alternately, a sterile container can be used in place of the paper
Handling and Storage:
Room temperature
Rejection Criteria:
  • Mislabelled or unlabelled specimen/requisition
  • Skin scrapings received on a swab in transport medium
  • Plastic container in which the skin scrapings cannot be seen

  • Turnaround Times
    See Microbiology Information»

    Last Reviewed:
    06 May 2023

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